Mens XP

What is the perfect badminton racquet for you?

By: Swetha Reddy
Date: 29 May, 2018
Image Courtesy: Mens XP

Racquet is an important armour, of course, in badminton. Choosing a badminton racquet is not an easy-peasy business if you play a professional game, until you get to know which type of racquet suits your playing style.

Here are few types you should know, that matches your style:

1. Weight of the racquet

For beginners, it is always suggested to pick a lightweight racquet, which weighs between 85g to 90g and has a lower balance point. Such raquets are usually easier to control.

2. Balance Point

If one plays the game seasonally, they may opt for heavier racquets with higher balance points. Such type of racquets are heavier at the head part and will support your powerful smashes. As they carry extra weight, it is not easy to control and not suited for everyone.

3. String Tension

A 1mm sunken depth of the strings is an ideal tension. How do you test it? Press your palm against the strings and see how far it sinks.

22 - 23 lbs is a good tension for beginners to start with, and note that tension varies according to the temperature in the region; temperature affects the string tension. Higher racket tensions are usually required for people living in the tropics as strings tend to expand in hotter places.

4. Hand Grip

There are two factors of racquet that deals with grip; type and size.

a. Types of badminton grips

There are two types of badminton grips - towel and synthetic. Towel grips are softer and good for absorbing sweat. However, this makes them prone to accumulating germs and bacteria.  As such, towel grips will require frequent replacement compared to synthetic grips.

On the other hand, synthetic grips are slick and less messy. However, this makes them less comfortable due to its poor sweat absorption ability.

b. Size of badminton grips

Most racket grips come in four sizes. Bigger grips are favoured by players who prefer a tighter feel to generate more power. On the other hand, players that like to employ the use of deception in their games will prefer smaller grips as it allows for better manoeuvrability.

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